Northside Leadership

The Session, made up of five elders, elected by Northside Covenant Partners, and the pastor, oversees the spiritual direction, organization, finances, building and grounds, and staff of Northside. The All the Children of the World Academy (ATC) Governing Board is made up of five board members who are appointed by the Session. The Governing Board supports and advises the ATC Director in the operation of ATC. The Governing Board reports to and advises the Session on matters related to the operation of ATC.

  • Jason Hutchcraft, Senior Pastor

    Jason has been married to Adah, his childhood sweetheart, since 1999. He graduated from Ozark Christian College, Missouri Southern State University, and Emmanual Christian Seminary. Before coming to Northside, Jason had served congregations in Tennessee, North Carolina, California, and Missouri. 

  • Jill Hrabcak, Director of ATC

    Jill is the mother of four beautiful children. She has been on staff for Northside since 2005. Jill started as the Children's Ministry Director and began serving as the Director of ATC Academy in 2017. Jill has a degree in Elementary Education from BGSU and a Masters in Education from UNC-G.  

  • Sue Gale, Office Manager

    Sue Gale is Northside's office manager. In the gathering and distribution of Northside "business", Sue is the focal point in the church office. If you would like to put an announcement in the bulletin, a prayer request on the e-mail prayer chain, or schedule the use of the Northside building, Sue is the one to contact. Sue is married to Rick, they have three children, and four grandchildren.

  • Jeff Ross, Worship director

    Singing in church has been a constant in Jeff's life since his teenage years and having God use him to lead others in Worship continues to be one of the most humbling and amazing blessings of all. God has also blessed Jeff with his wonderful wife Jackie and an incredible son, Evan.

  • Amy Barr, Bell Choir Director

    Amy enjoys preparing the choir to ring at Northside and in the community. She hopes to foster fellowship among ringers while helping them learn new techniques and make beautiful music. 

  • Dan Barr, Interim Youth Leader

    Dan has been working with our youth for many years. He and his son Corey continue to serve and lead our youth while we search for our next Youth Leader.


Session members function as a board to create governing policies of the church and to oversee the pastoral leadership of Northside Fellowship. 

Our current session members are: 

Nancy Batterson

Jill Israel

Charlotte Kenreigh

Jessica Maderia

Rick Gale (session clerk)


Our deacons reflect the heart of Christianity by modeling the care and compassion of Jesus Christ through acts of ministry and service. They look after the practical needs of the Church without being overburdened by operational concerns. Deacons work under the oversight of an Elder and/or Session. Our current Deacons are:
Aaron Amadio: Audio/Visual/Tech
Candi Amadio: Children's Ministry Coordinator
Emily Hughes: Prayer
Ginny Humphreys: Ushers/Greeters/Events
Adah Hutchcraft: Women's Ministry
Jen & Craig Wilson: Missions