3 - 4 years old (3 by September 1, 2025):
T/Th mornings $176/month $1,760 / yr
T/Th afternoons $176/month $1,760/ yr
M/W/F mornings $264/month $2,640 / yr
M/W/F afternoons $264/month $2,640/ yr
* Per our ODE License, students must be potty trained before starting school.
4 - 5 years old (4 by September 1, 2025):
M/W/F mornings $264/month $2,640/yr
M/W/F afternoons $264/month $2,640/yr
T/TH all day $352/month $3,520/yr
M/W/F all day $528/month 5,280/yr
5+ years old (5 by November 1, 2025):
M/W/F afternoons $264/month $2,640 yr
T/Th all day $352/month $3,520/yr
M/W/F all day $528/month $5,280/yr
T/TH/F all day $528/month $5,280/yr
Kindergarten (5 by August 1, 2025):
4 day M-TH $521/month $5,210/yr
5 day M-F $613/month $6,130/yr
Kindergarten Wonder FRI all day $176/month $1,760/yr
Additional Fees: $60 Registration Fee
Supply Fee (Due in September) Preschool: $50 Kindergarten: $75
Before and After Care costs $8 per hour, additional siblings $6/hr
Maximum monthly charge for Before and After care is $300.
Tuition Information:
- Tuition is divided into ten equal installments. The first installment is made in the spring to reserve your child’s placement, the second through tenth installments are due September through May.
- A 3% discount is available for: siblings (on the less expensive tuition), and Covenant Partners of Northside Fellowship Church.
- Discounts may be combined for a maximum discount of 6% off of tuition.
Young Threes Program (age 3 by January 1, 2026):
The Young Threes Class is an introduction to preschool with themes & activities that create an atmosphere of discovery & wonder. This class has a 2 to 12 teacher/student ratio. This one day a week program meets on Friday mornings, 9:00-11:45, beginning September 26, 2025 with Stay & Play.
This class does not go to the Specials Classes, but instead, incorporates music & movement into their morning routine.
Friday Mornings: $88 per month for 9 months. The first installment is made in the spring to reserve your child’s placement, the second through eighth installments are due October through May.
Additional Fees: $60 Registration Fee; $40 Supply Fee (due in October)
Potty Training for Young 3's: Children should be in the process of potty training. Pull-ups are allowed.
To register, click here!