Missions at Northside

The Lord is working at Northside in many ways. 

Our members are:

Serving locally...

  • Lifewise Academy
  • Dream Center
  • Columbus Relief
  • International Friendships (IFI) at Ohio State
  • W.A.R.M.
  • 8 Days of Hope
  • Donating items for Blessing Boxes

Helping internationally...

  • Going on mission trips
  • Sending Bibles to places in the world to places like India and Africa
  • Joining a prayer group for Israel, Iran Alive, Voice of the Martyrs, and Global Christian Relief

Mission Tracking Form

Do you see God working around you? Are you involved in His work in some way? The Mission Team would like to know about it.

Fill out the form below anonymously as you do God’s work. The Mission Team will tabulate the results and include it in the Missions report that we will be giving once a quarter to the congregation.

We pray that it will inspire us to give more and do more.

The possibilities are endless.

Missions Tracking Form

Feridean Commons

Every Sunday, Northside Fellowship holds a worship service at Feridean Commons, the Senior Living Facilty next door to our church. The service is held in the Activity Room at 9:00 AM. All residents of Feridean, family and friends are welcome for a traditional church service.

Columbus Relief

Columbus Relief is a mobile homeless outreach. Volunteer to share a meal, offer relief, and build relationships with those in need. Our teams serve the 2nd Saturdays of each month. Contact Dan Barr for more information.

Blessing Boxes

Our Missions team restocks local Blessing Boxes periodically. Watch for the next collection date for the following most needed items:

Instant oatmeal


Vienna sausages


tuna packets


Mac & cheese

canned pasta

ramen noodles

Peanut butter

nutrigrain bars

peanut butter/cheese crackers

Granola bars


baby food

