ATC Kindergarten

Offering All Day Kindergarten Programs and Kindergarten Enrichment

4 Day & 5 Day Kindergarten

1 Day Enrichment (Kindergarten Wonder Kids Friday)

9:00 AM – 3:15 PM

Before and After Care Available

Summer Enrichment Classes

Summer Camp

All the Children of the World Academy (ATC) is a Christian school dedicated to the social, emotional, and academic growth of all students

We place importance on preparing a rich environment which allows children to explore and make connections. 

ATC is an inviting and unique school with a safe and nurturing environment that is designed to meet the needs of each individual child. Our goal is to create lifelong learners as we seek to provide a balance of opportunities for collaboration, harmonious social development, and individual academic challenges for each child enrolled at ATC. 

Our Kindergarten uses age-appropriate, integrated thematic instruction incorporating all areas of curriculum. At ATC, children learn from specialists in the curricular areas of art, music, fitness, enrichment, STEAM and library.   Our students move among whole group, small group, and individual instruction throughout the day. This mixture of structured time and student-led exploration helps transition students comfortably from kindergarten to first grade.

Our Kindergarten classes have a 1 to 18 teacher-student ratio. Our staff  works as a team and is hand picked for their unique abilities and love of children. Each teacher has a degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education.

Kindergarten Wonder Kids Enrichment Class meets every Friday and has a 1 to 18 teacher-student ration.  Focused on wonder, curiosity and questioning, students expand their knowledge on different topics.  They create, play, experiment and question through student driven thoughts, inquiries and WONDER!  This class is open to non-ATC families as well.

Our curriculum is comprehensive and rigorous, spanning all content areas. We link the content areas together using an integrated theme based approach. Our students go beyond the State Curriculum ensuring a seamless transition to their next school, be it private or public.

ATC is conveniently located on the northeast corner of State Route 3 and Freeman Road in Westerville, approximately two miles north of Maxtown/Polaris.

School Hours:

9:00 AM - 3:15 PM

Before and After Care Available

2024/2025 School Year:

August 22, 2024 - May 21, 2025

2025/2026 School Year:

August 25, 2025 - May 19, 2026

School Calendar

Ohio Charter School

Our Kindergarten is chartered by the Ohio Department of Education. We comply with ODE requirements, teach the Common Core Curriculum, and receive funding from the State of Ohio.

Kindergarten Academic Curriculum

Literacy/Language Arts
  •  Our literacy/writing program utilizes phonics, phonemic awareness, and decodable books along with rich literature. 
  •  Literacy is integrated into classroom activities, routines, projects, and thematic units.
  •  We seek to develop fluent readers as well as create a life-long love for language, both oral and written.  Phonics concepts are introduced through The Phonics Dance and Heggerty Phonemic Awareness.
  •  Students engage in small group reading instruction with decodable books from Flyleaf Publishing.
  •  Handwriting Without Tears is used to teach letter formation.
  •  Fiction, non-fiction, and poetry are all launching points for reading development.
  • A hands-on basis for understanding mathematical relationships is fundamental to our program.
  • Critical thinking skills are introduced to all our students.
  • Students practice math skills through the use of manipulatives and practical applications.
  • Math is often incorporated into thematic units using patterns, graphs, size relationships, number sense using a 10 frame model, fractions, 3-D shapes, counting to 100, skip counting, addition and subtraction.
  • Science is taught through experimentation, exploration and theme units.
  • We introduce developmentally appropriate, in-depth fields of study. 
    Some of our most exciting science themes have been Penguins, Pumpkins, Habitats, and Life Cycles (with live chicks, plants and butterflies).
  • Some of our most exciting science themes have been Penguins, Pumpkins, Habitats, and Life Cycles (with live chicks, plants and butterflies).
  • We seek to foster the natural sense of wonder in children.


Social Studies
  • We celebrate the diversity of the world along with the individuality of each student.
  • Cooperative collaboration is taught throughout the curriculum.
  • History and heritage are appreciated and woven into our programs and activities.

Confidence Builder

As the oldest students in our Academy, we’ve noticed our kindergarten students develop a sense of confidence in their abilities that they take with them when they leave our program. This self-assurance is recognized by others as they “graduate” from All the Children of the World Academy.

Parent Investment

We have an enthusiastic Parent/Teacher Fellowship (PTF) group that supports our vision and is constantly enriching our environment by sponsoring special events and exciting guests. We seek to partner with parents to provide the best possible experience for children.

Special Classes

Kindergarteners attend a special class daily to enrich their educational experience.

Visual Art - ATC Kindergarten Art introduces the students to texture, design and depth.  We explore the fundamentals of lines, spatial awareness, architecture, still life paintings and more! 


Music -  This class uniquely exposes students to the joy of music as well as scale, rhythm and beginning music notation through participation in our hand bell choir. 


Fitness - This class is a great precursor to any type of athletic involvement and an excellent way to work on gross motor skills.  Fitness provides a fun mix of music, stretching, tumbling, games, and creative expression.


Book Club and Literature - Our students meet and explore a variety of types of literature, authors and writing styles.  Together, they enjoy poetry, fiction, and non-fiction books.  Once a month, they choose library books to take home and share. 

Intervention & EnrichmentWe provide individual and small group instruction to support and extend the learning of our kindergarten students, most often in the areas of reading, writing and math.


STEAM  - We offer a unique opportunity for your child to attend an enrichment class which focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.   Students collaborate in small and large groups to enhance their learning.  They develop on problem solving, critical thinking skills and curiosity!


Chapel - ATC students meet twice a month in our sanctuary for a short chapel service designed to inspire and build our faith in God.   Chapel is led by the pastoral staff of Northside Fellowship Church.


Programs and Tuition

5 Day M-F ALL DAY                                                       5 years old by August 1, 2025

Monthly:  $613  Annually: $6,130


Monthly:  $521 Annually: $5,210

Kindergarten Wonder FRI ALL DAY

Monthly: $176  Annually: $1,760


  • Tuition is divided into ten equal installments. The first installment is made in the spring to reserve your child’s placement, the second through tenth installments are due September through May.
  • A 3% discount is available for siblings (on the less expensive tuition), and Covenant Partners of Northside Fellowship Church.
  • Discounts may be combined for a maximum discount of 6% off of tuition.

Other Costs:

  • Registration Fee $60.00
  • Supply Fee $75.00

Before and After Care:

  • Before Care available starting at 7:45 AM, After Care runs until 5:30 PM.
  • Before Care and After Care costs $8 per hour, additional siblings $6 /hour.
  • Maximum monthly charge for Before and After Care is $300.

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